venerdì 12 giugno 2015

The Last True Vampire by Kate Baxter (Last True Vampire #1)

As Michael’s eyes lit on a female not twenty feet away, he knew without a doubt that it was her blood that called to him and her scent that had awakened him.This female had tethered his soul and returned it to him.

Soul Survivor

He is the last of his race. The one true king of the vampires. Michael Aristov roams the nightclubs of L.A. after dark, haunted by his past and driven by his hunger. The last of the Ancient Ones, he alone has survived the destruction of his race at the hands of the slayers. Now he is forced to hunt and feed like a common vampire, a creature of lust. Nothing in this world can fulfill his needs…until he meets a woman who’s everything he’s ever wanted. And more.

Sweet Salvation

Her name is Claire Thompson. Her blood is so sweet, so intoxicating—the smell alone draws Michael to her like a moth to the flame. Sly, sexy, and seductive, Claire seems to be the only mortal who can satisfy his craving and seal his fate…forever. Can she be trusted? From their very first kiss, the last true vampire sweeps Claire into a world in which darkness rules desire—and where falling in love is the greatest danger of all…

I really loved this book.
I think it's the first time I'm in love with the female protagonist as much as the vampire, and what a vampire, an Ancient One, powerful, withva big baggage on his shoulders: he is the only survivor of his race, because of the extermination at the hands of Sortiari, a sect led by real fanatics.
Michael is the ghost of himself and only when he finds Claire, his predestined mate, he will put in motion a series of events that will bring back to life the Warrior he was, but especially his power and his desire to resurrect his race, turning the dhampyr  who always follow him and are waiting for this moment.
Claire is sassy, funny despite having spent a difficult childhood and still she always in trouble for money, but this hasn't hardened her, she has a sweet heart and I adored as she worry constantly for little Vanessa, a neighbor's daughter.
Between Claire and Michael is fire-works from the start , but she was able to give Michael a little bit of worry,  despite everything.
Needless to say the dhampyr aren't the only ones waiting for Michael, the sect that has always hunted him awaits the right moment to go back to hitting the vampire and kill him forever. The Sortiari is full of supernatural creatures (ShapeShifter, Berserker, magicians) the perfect slayers, with special weapons to kill any creature. 
So not only passion between Claire and Michael, but a plot full of action because of Michael and his dangerous enemies.
I really liked Jenner, Ronan, two dhampyr who stand with Michael and form an exceptional trio, they're different, but with them the story more interesting. 
Reading the story intrigued me a lot the idea of the author to create a collective memory that binds together the memories of all the vampires existed, fascinating.
The ending of the book lets imagine that the next story in the series will be on Ronan and I can't wait to read it.
Amazing cover by the way.
Thanks to Netgalley ans St. Martin's Paperbacks for the book.

RATING: 4 stars

TITLE: The Last True Vampire
AUTHOR: Kate Baxter
SERIES: Last True Vampire #1
PUBLISHER: St. Martin's Paperbacks 

Mi è piaciuto molto questo libro.
Credo sia la prima volta che la protagonista femminile mi piaccia tanto quanto il vampiro, e che vampiro, uno degli Antichi, con un grosso bagaglio sulle sue spalle: è l'unico sopravvissuto della sua razza, a causa dello sterminio ad opera di Sortiari, una setta guidata da veri e propri fanatici.
Michael è il fantasma di se stesso e solo l'incontro con Claire, la sua "mate" predestinata metterà in moto una serie di eventi che riporteranno in vita il guerriero che è in lui, e soprattutto il suo potere e la sua volontà di riportare in vita la sua razza, trasformando i dhampyr  che da sempre lo seguono e aspettano questo momento.
Claire è sfrontata e divertente, nonostante abbia trascorso un'infanzia difficile e tuttora riesca a cavarsela a malapena a livello finanziario , ma questo non l'ha indurita, ha un cuore d'oro e l'ho adorata per come si preoccupi costantemente della piccola Vanessa, figlia della sua vicina di casa.
Tra lei e Micheal sono subito scintille, ma Claire è stata capace di dargli del bel filo da torcere, nonostante tutto.
Inutile dire che i dhampyr non sono gli unici ad aspettare Michael, anche la setta che gli ha sempre dato la caccia attende il momento opportuno per tornare a colpire il vampiro ed eliminarlo per sempre. La Sortiari è costituita da un insieme di creature soprannaturali (mutaforma, berseker, maghi), gli assassini perfetti, dotati di armi particolari, in grado di uccidere qualsiasi creatura. 
Quindi passione tra Claire e Michael, ma una trama ricca di momenti movimentati a causa degli scontri tra il vampiro e i suoi acerrimi nemici.
Mi sono piaciuti molto anche Ronan e Jenner, i due dhampyr che insieme a Michael formano un trio eccezionale, diversi, ma che rendono più interessante il racconto. 
Leggendo la storia mi ha intrigato parecchio l'idea dell'autrice di creare una memoria collettiva che lega tra di loro i ricordi di tutti i vampiri esistiti, molto affascinante.
Il finale del libro lascia immaginare che il prossimo racconto della serie sarà su Ronan e non vedo l'ora di leggerlo.
Dimenticavo: copertina assolutamente meravigliosa.
Ringrazio Netgalley e la St. Martin's Paperbacks per il libro.

VOTO: 4 stelle

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