sabato 27 giugno 2015

An Oath Broken by Diana Cosby (The Oath Trilogy #2)

An arranged marriage to a Scot? Unacceptable!

Lady Sarra Bellacote would sooner marry a dog than a countryman of the bloodthirsty brutes who killed her parents. And yet, despite—or perhaps because of—her valuable holdings, she is being dragged to Scotland to be wed against her will. Making matters worse, the knight hired to do the dragging is dark, wild, irresistible. And he, too, is disgustingly Scottish.

Giric Armstrong, Earl of Terrick, takes no pleasure in escorting a feisty English lass to her nuptial night. But the payment is good, and his tenants need to eat. Yet the trip will not be the simple matter he imagined. For Lady Sarra isn’t the only one determined to see her engagement fail. Men with darker motives want the wedding called off—even if they must kill the bride in the process. 

Now, in close quarters with this beautiful Englishwoman, Terrick must fight his mounting desire, and somehow keep Sarra alive long enough to lose her forever to another man…

I really enjoyed reading "An Oath Broken" by Diana Cosby.
It's the first time I read an historical romance written by this author, and I found it very good.
The plot wasn't very original, but I really liked Giric and Sarra, the protagonists, their interactions and reactions towards each other, during their journey together, while Giric must accompany the woman by her future bridegroom.
Giric is a proud and courageous man, a skilled fighter, but also a careful person, who knows how to "read" people and go beyond their façade. He held back some important truths from Sarra, and sooner or later, as always happens, discovering hidden things  complicate situations, but otherwise I really loved him for how he acted with Sarra and especially I liked their fierce bickering. 
And I liked Sarra too, because despite the difficulties she has encountered as a child, she grew up as a strong woman, she wanted to try to be independent and help people she cares for.
I love how Ms Cosby writes, the plot was compelling and very smooth while I read it, and the historical setting is accurate, without being heavy in reading.
This is the second book in The Oath Trilogy,  you can also read as a book as standalone, but I have already put on my to read list of books, the first one and also the third of this trilogy.
Thanks to Netgalley and Kensington Books-Lyrical Press for the book.

RATING: 4 stars

TITLE: An Oath Broken
AUTHOR: Diana Cosby
SERIES: The Oath Trilogy
PUBLISHER: Kensington Books-Lyrical Pressy

Le loro interazioni e reazioni nei confronti uno dell'altra, durante il loro viaggio insieme, mentre Giric deve scortare la donna dal suo futuro sposo.
Giric è un uomo orgoglioso e coraggioso, un'abile combattente, ma anche una persona attenta, che sa "leggere" le persone e andare oltre la loro facciata. Ha tenuto nascoste alcune verità importanti da Sarra, e prima o poi, come sempre accade, le cose si scoprono complicando le situazioni, ma per il resto mi è piaciuto molto per come si è comportato con Sarra e soprattutto ho amato i loro fieri battibecchi. 
E Sarra mi è piaciuta perché nonostante le difficoltà che ha incontrato si da bambina, non si è lasciata andare, ma voluto a provare a essere indipendente e aiutare le persone che hanno trovato in lei un riferimento.
Mi piace come scrive Ms Cosby, la trama era avvincente e molto scorrevole durante la lettura, e l'ambientazione storica accurata, ma senza risultare pesante nel leggerla.
Questo è il secondo libro della Oath Trilogy, si può leggere anche come libro a sé, ma io ho già messo nella mia lista di libri da leggere, il primo libro e anche il terzo.
Ringrazio Netgalley e la  Kensington Books-Lyrical Press per il libro.

VOTO: 4 stelle

TITLE: An Oath Brocken
AUTHOR: Diana Cosby
SERIES: The Oath Trilogy
PUBLISHER: Kensington Books-Lyrical Press

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